Professional Supervision

Kia ora, I’m Sande Ramage

I provide individual and group supervision to healthcare chaplains, nurses, restorative justice facilitators and anyone who sees their work as a vocation. 

Using a reflective practice approach, I will be concerned about the practical issues but also what runs deep for you. How you understand the meaning and purpose of your life and how you tend your soul. I call that Soul Pilates, everything that helps build your inner core and the healing presence you bring to the world.

Supervision has been part of my life for over 30 years through roles in the health system, education, military, church, and restorative justice. So, I understand the complicated issues that can arise when you must hold in tension the needs of clients in the face of organisational priorities. 

My professional training is in pastoral and spiritual care, education, theology, supervision, narrative therapy, pastoral care and restorative practices. In 2024 I’m further developing my skills by completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Theology and Supervision. 

But it’s also important to acknowledge how much I’ve benefitted from the experience and wisdom of the people who have been my supervisors over the years. They have helped for a solid foundation for me to supervise others and facilitate reflective practice groups.

You can be assured that being in regular supervision remains central to my practice as does an ongoing commitment to Jungian analysis. 


Timing: One-hour sessions, usually online.
Cost: NZ$130.00/session