Paddy’s Mirror Image Prayer

If we are made in God’s image
and I’m reliably informed that we are
then Paddy’s mirror of the divine
is worth exploring more.

No booming voice from heaven heard
instead, his warm and gentle tone
‘hello darling’, the moment you appear
loving you just as you are, quirks and all.

Even so, fiercely competitive, a dynamo
smashing balls, running the dog pack
his artistry not from paint on the page
but strength and tenderness combined.

On the verandah at close of day
single malt in hand, a dog at his feet
pondering the ebb and flow of ideas and desires
intellect in high gear but considerate of our views.

Quietly musing about God’s existence, or not
sceptical about the form God took – unaware
this loyal, loving and intensely private man
that he was God’s representative on earth.

Thank you, Paddy for bringing God to earth within us.

Created for Paddy Greville’s funeral 16 May 2024

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